

106年度 CIE-Taiwan Div.2 & Div.8 聯合會議

  • 時間:2017年3月2日(四) 13:00~17:00
  • 地點:文化大學推廣部大夏館3樓308教室 (台北市大安區建國南路二段 231號)
  • 主辦單位:臺灣照明委員會、文化大學資訊傳播學系、工研 院量測技術發展中心
  • 聯絡人:范斐雅 / TEL: 03-5743875 / Fax:03-5726445 / E- mail : cie_taiwan@itri.org.tw 



第二技術工作組HP-LED TC101年度第一次會議 








TC 2-80 Spectroradiometric measurement of light sources

  • To specify current procedures for the spectroradiometry of continuous, line and mixed sources of optical radiation. Such procedures apply to measurements of irradiance, radiance and radiant flux in the near ultraviolet, visible and near infrared regions of the spectrum.
  • Chair: Richard Young (DE)

TC 2-79 Integrating sphere photometry and spectroradiometry

  • To create a technical report on the photometry and spectroradiometry of sources in integrating spheres by updating the relevant parts of CIE 084-1989 and incorporating new techniques and practices.
  • Chair: Dong-Hoon Lee (KR)

TC 2-78 The Goniophotometry of Lamps and Luminaires

  • To update CIE 121-1996, CIE 070-1987 and the relevant parts of CIE 084-1989 and combine these into the one technical report, incorporating new techniques and the absolute goniophotometry of lamps in their own right.
  • Chair: Tony Bergen (AU)

TC 2-77 Fundamental Concepts

  • To facilitate informal collaboration and sharing of ideas on fundamental concepts in photometry, radiometry and colorimetry, with a special focus on dedicated activities at D2 division meetings.
  • Chair: Tony Bergen (AU)

TC 2-76 Characterization of AC-driven LED Products for SSL Applications

  • To prepare a technical report on the measurement of characteristic quantities of AC driven LED products, including operational conditions, and photometric quantities focused on those influenced by the effect of flicker.
  • Chair: Pei-Ting Chou (TW)

TC 2-75 Photometry of Curved and Flexible OLED and LED Sources

  • To prepare a CIE recommendation on methods for characterization of the photometric and colorimetric quantities of curved and flexible sources especially for OLED and LED including traceability.
  • Chair: Hsueh-Ling Yu (TW)

TC 2-74 Goniospectroradiometry of Optical Radiation Sources

  • To prepare a technical report on goniospectroradiometry to summarize measurement principles for evaluating radiometric, photometric and colorimetric quantities and related traceability.
  • Chair: Jiangen Pan (CN)

TC 2-73 Measurement of Quantities Relating to Photobiological Safety of Lighting Products

  • To prepare a technical report for the measurement of optical radiation related to photobiological safety of lighting products, focusing on LED products.
  • Chair: Tongsheng Mou (CN)

TC 2-72 The Evaluation of Uncertainties in Measurement of the Optical Properties of Solid State Lighting Devices, including coloured LEDs

  • To expand the supplements to CIE 198-2011 to include further principles and examples for evaluation of the uncertainties associated with the measurement and testing of LEDs and other solid state lighting devices.  Examples include distribution photometry, spectral measurement and derived quantities, goniospectroradiometry and other priority measurements as advised by industry.
  • Chair: Georg Sauter (DE)

TC 2-71 CIE Standard on Test Methods for LED Lamps, Luminaires and Modules

  • To prepare a CIE standard on test methods for photometric and colorimetric performance of LED lamps, LED luminaires, and LED modules in cooperation with CEN TC169 WG7 and IEC TC34.
  • Chair: Yoshi Ohno (US)

TC 2-70 Standards for Measurement of Reflectance and Transmittance Properties of Materials

  • To draft three new CIE standards that describe the minimum requirements for any instrument intended to measure the optical properties of planar, uniform, homogeneous (or nearly so) materials, The standards will define the geometric and spectral requirements, the processes for calibration or standardization of the scales and the required level of uncertainty for the measurement of spectral diffuse reflectance and reflectance factor, spectral regular transmittance and spectral diffuse transmittance, and spectral regular reflectance.
  • Chair: Danny Rich (US)

TC 2-69: CIE Classification Systems of Illuminance and Luminance Meters

  • To prepare a technical report on existing material and regional classification systems of Photometers and to recommend a CIE classification system.
  • Chair: Peter Blattner (CH)

TC 2-68: Optical measurement methods for OLEDs used for lighting

  • To produce a Technical Report on the measurement methods of the optical properties and the terminology of OLEDs used for lighting.
  • Chair: Thorsten Gerloff (DE)

TC 2-67: Photometry of lighting and light-signalling devices for road vehicles

  • To prepare guidelines for the measurement of photometric performance of lighting and light-signalling devices for road vehicles Note: This technical committee is related to GTB Working Group Photometry. The TC will start their work based on an existing internal GTB Working Group Photometry Guide (GTB identification: CE-3874) and will incorporate the rules for the determination and the statement of measurement uncertainties as defined in the ISO publication "Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement" ISBN 92-67-1018-9 (1995).
  • Chair: Gösta Werner (SE)

TC 2-66: Terminology of LEDs and LED Assemblies

  • To Review LED and LED assemblies related terms and definitions in other international and regional organizations and prepare a recommendation for CIE.
  • Chair: Janos Schanda (HU)

TC 2-65: Photometric measurements in the mesopic range

  • To produce a Technical Report setting out measurement requirements and procedures for implementation of the CIE task-based system for mesopic photometry.
  • To consider the implications of the new system for mesopic photometry for existing Div.2 publications.
  • Chair: Teresa Goodman (GB)

TC 2-64: High Speed Testing Methods for LEDs

  • To prepare a technical report on high speed testing methods for electrical, thermal and optical quantities during the production of LEDs and the conversion of the values to DC operational conditions including the related time dependent functions.
  • Chair: Günther Heidel (DE)

TC 2-63: Optical Measurement of High-Power LEDs

  • To develop a CIE recommendation on methods for the operation of high-power LEDs in DC and in pulse mode, at specified junction temperatures, for optical measurements.
  • Chair: Yuqin Zong (US)

TC 2-62: Imaging-Photometer-Based Near-Field Goniophotometry

  • To prepare a CIE recommendation on the methods for characterisation and calibration of imaging-photometry- based near-field goniophotometers and for determination and conversion of photometric data of lamps and luminaries for both near-field and far-field applications.
  • Chair: Walter Steudtner (DE)

TC 2-60: Effect of Instrumental Bandpass Function and Measurement Interval on Spectral Quantities

  • To prepare a Technical Report that describes the effect of instrumental bandpass functions and measurement wavelength interval on spectrally resolved quantities and to provide recommendations on suitable methods to minimise the error introduced by instrumental bandpass functions on spectrally integrated or weighted quantities.
  • Chair: Emma Wooliams (GB)

TC 2-59: Characterisation of Imaging Luminance Measurement Devices

  • To prepare a Technical Report on methods for the characterisation of imaging luminance measurement devices.
  • Chair:Udo Krueger(DE)

TC 2-57: Revision of CIE S 014-2

  • To revise CIE Standard S 014-2 (CIE Standard Illuminants) to include Illuminant D50.
  • Chair: Balázs Kránicz (HU) (This TC is working on a standard.)

TC 2-51: The Calibration of Multi-Channel Spectrometers

  • To produce a technical report for the calibration of detectorarray spectroradiometers primarily for the determination of colorimetric and photometric quantities, including performance characteristics, calibration methods and guidance in the applications of methods for the determination of uncertainty.
  • Chair: Richard Young (GB)

TC 2-50: Measurement of the Optical Properties of LED Assemblies

  • To produce a technical report for the measurement of the optical properties of LED assemblies.
  • Chair: Richard Distl (DE)

TC 2-49: Photometry of Flashing Light

  • To produce a CIE recommendation for measurement of effective intensity of flashing light.
  • Chair: Yoshi Ohno (US)

TC 2-47: Characterization and Calibration Methods of UV Radiometers

  • To prepare a CIE recommendation on methods of characterization and calibration of broad-band UV radiometers in the spectral ranges of UVA and UVB for industrial applications.
  • Chair: Armin Sperling (DE)

TC 2-29: Measurement of Detector Linearity

  • Prepare a CIE guide on methods for the characterization of the linearity of detectors of optical radiation, including different principles by which the linearity of detectors can be determined and causes of non-linear behaviour, to aid users of optical radiation detectors in the selection and use suitable devices for specific applications.
  • Chair: George Eppeldauer (US)

TC 2-17: Recommendation for Integrated Irradiance and Spectral Distribution of Simulated Solar Radiation



Division 2: Physical Measurement of Light and Radiation

To study standard procedures for the evaluation of ultraviolet, visible and infrared radiation, global radiation, and optical properties of materials and luminaires.
To study optical properties and performance of physical detectors and other devices required for their evaluation.