

CIE 2017 活動分享、CIE-Taiwan Div.3暨智慧城市照明聯合會議

CIE-Taiwan Div.3 & Div.6  光生物安全與室內照明論壇

  • 時間:2016年10月14日 08:50-16:00
  • 地點:國立臺灣科技大學 國際大樓1B-202會議室
  • 主辦單位:臺灣照明委員會(CIE-Taiwan) 、國台灣科技大學 色彩照明科技研究中心、國台灣科技大學 色彩照明科技研究所
  • 協辦單位:格睿視科技顧問公司
  • 報名費用:報名費1000元;CIE-Taiwan會員免費;學生報名費200元(憑臺科學生證免費)
  • 活動聯絡人:蘇郁萱 / Tel:0910-073-870 / Mail: M10425015@mail.ntust.edu.tw

CIE-Taiwan Div.1 & Div.3 年會暨產業論壇

  • 時間:Nov 22, 2013  13:00-17:00
  • 地點:國立中央大學國鼎光電大樓1F階梯教室IL-116(桃園縣中壢市中大路300號)
  • 聯絡人:蘇小姐/李小姐 TEL: (03)574-3890/574-3727 
    Email: cie_taiwan@itri.org.tw 
  • 會議議程:下載 





  • 時間:August 23, 2011  12:10-13:00
  • 地點:工業技術研究院 中興院區11館351室 (新竹縣竹東鎮中興路四段195號)光復院區17館2樓211會議室(新竹市光復路二段321號)
  • 聯絡人:柯明達 先生 TEL: 0955-264-953 Email: itri408436@itri.org.tw 



TC 3-55 Metrics for sunlighting and daylight passing through sunshading devices

  • To propose a metric to assess contribution of sunlight to the daylighting a building, and to rate lighting contribution of daylight and sunlight passing through sunshading systems. The proposal should avoid performing long term climate based calculations, and be of interest both for building designers and manufacturers of window components.
  • Chair: Marc Fontoynont (FR)

TC 3-54: Revision of CIE 16-1970: Daylight

  • to revise and update publication CIE 16-1970: Daylight in the light of the advances in technology and design since 1970:
  • Chair: Anna Pellegrino (IT)

TC 3-53: Revision of CIE S 008 Joint ISO*CIE Standard: Lighting of Work Places - Part 1: Indoor

  • To review and, if necessary, revise S008/E:2001 (ISO 8995-1:2002): Joint ISO/CIE Standard: Lighting of Work Places - Part 1: Indoor [incl. Technical Corrigendum ISO 8995:2002/Cor. 1:2005(E)].
  • Chair: Yasuko Koga (JP)

TC 3-52 Energy Performance of Buildings–Energy Requirements for Lighting

  • To develop a CIE standard based on the coming revision of the existing EN 15193 "Energy performance of buildings – Energy requirements for lighting" in line with the activities of ISO and CEN on the revision of all ISO/EN standards for the energy performance of buildings. EN 15193 was developed to establish conventions and procedures for the estimation of energy requirements of lighting in buildings, and gives a methodology for a numeric indicator of energy performance of buildings.
  • Chair: Dieter Schornick (DE)

TC 3-51: CIE Standard General Sky Guide

  • To finalise a guide for the application of the CIE General Sky standard for general users and designers. The guide will provide an explanation of the CIE General Sky standard concept and its simplified use by practitioners with available references and recommended prediction methods/tools/computer programs
  • Chair: Stanislav Darula (SK)

TC 3-49: Decision Scheme for Lighting Controls for Tertiary Lighting in Buildings

  • To offer guidelines in order to balance lighting quality, user comfort and energy efficiency in lighting controls solutions for tertiary lighting in buildings (i.e. for commercial, institutional and industrial buildings). To work on a decision scheme with focus on the user requirements (visual comfort, performance, personal control) to determine the most applicable control solution, including the consequences for possible savings. In this, it needs to be assumed that there are no technological or financial hurdles.
  • Chair: Peter Dehoff (AT)

TC 3-48: CIE standard method of UF table calculation for indoor luminaires

  • To produce a CIE standard for the calculation of utilization factor (UF) tables for indoor luminaires.
  • Chair: Peter Thorns (GB)

TC 3-47: Climate-Based Daylight Modelling

  • To describe the state-of-the-art in CBDM and determine levels of research activity; To identify themes in ongoing areas of CBDM research and forecasting of future developments; To identify key areas of core or supporting research which are either lacking or with insufficient activity; To determine key application areas for CBDM and the required data pre-requisites; To codify an authoritative workflow for CBDM that is compliant with agreed quality assurance criteria; To provide guidance on the application of CBDM to predict emerging daylight metrics.
  • Chair: John Mardaljevic (GB)

TC 3-46: Research Roadmap for Healthful Interior Lighting Applications

  • The TC will review relevant CIE publications and the more recent scientific literature to identify the information that is needed before such lighting application may take place. The output will be a technical report which will describe a research roadmap intended to stimulate fundamental research into questions relevant to lighting applications. This technical committee follows from the publication of CIE 158:2004 and the two CIE expert symposia on light and lighting and health in 2004 and 2006.
  • Chair: Jennifer Veitch (CA)

TC 3-45: Luminance Based Design Approach

  • To determine suitable design factors and criteria for luminance based design, and to produce suitable tools to allow luminance based design to be performed and validated. This will involve a detailed literature search in the area of luminance based design and an examination of the tools for a luminance based design that have been developed or are currently available. The validity of the tools will be undertaken and compared to standard data.
  • Chair: Yoshiki Nakamura (JP)

TC 3-44: Lighting for Older People and People with Visual Impairment in Buildings

  • To provide summary recommendations for the lighting provision for older people and people with visual impairement in buildings.
  • Chair: Yukio Akashi (JP)

TC 3-39: Discomfort Glare from Daylight in Buildings

  •  To review existing discomfort glare assessment methods with respect to their suitability to daylight glare. To identify strengths/weaknesses and threats/opportunities in these existing methods. To make a recommendation on a provisional method for daylight glare assessment. To identify additional parameters that might influence the perception and assessment of discomfort and glare from daylight. To develop proposals for possible research directions and projects suitable to advance the understanding of these parameters
  • Chair: Werner Osterhaus (DK)

TC 3-34: Protocols for Describing Lighting

  • To establish a catalogue of application-independant descriptors of lighting. To provide relevant, specific, objective definitions of supporting concepts associated with lighting. To develop a measurement protocol for each of the descriptors, with the goal of achieving protocols for use equally by researchers, in recommendations, and in design. To prepare a strategy and action plan for widespread promulgation and application of these protocols and definitions by researchers, journal editorial boards, lighting educators, CIE Technical Committees and Standards, and in other lighting organisations.
  • Chair: Jennifer Veitch (CA)