TC 1-93: Calculation of self-luminous neutral scale
To recommend a formula or computational method for an achromatic, neutral or gray scale for self-luminous (i.e. non-reflective) surfaces. (This computation complements CIE Lightness, L*, which serves a similar purpose for reflective surfaces.)
TC 1-91: New Methods for Evaluating the Colour Quality of White-Light Sources
To evaluate available new methods for evaluating the colour quality of white-light sources with a goal of recommending methods for industrial use. (Methods based on colour fidelity shall not be included: see TC1-90).
To evaluate available indices based on colour fidelity for assessing the colour quality of white- light sources with a goal of recommending a single colour fidelity index for industrial use.
TC 1-89 Enhancement of Images for Colour Defective Observers
To study, evaluate and recommend image enhancing techniques for colour defective observers and to provide test procedures for the evaluation of those techniques.
To recommend models of colour emotion and harmony based on existing psychophysical data obtained by different research groups or networks for applications in the colour design area.
To update CIE Publication 15:2004 taking into consideration the current CIE/ISO standards on colorimetry and the work of TC1-36 Fundamental Chromaticity Diagram with Physiologically Significant Axes.
TC 1-84: Definition of Visual Field for Conspicuity
To define and classify functional visual fields for universal tasks and develop guidelines for the layout of visual information to increase the visibility of visual signs, displays and markings.
TC 1-83: Visual Aspects of Time-Modulated Lighting Systems
1. To investigate and report on current research on the perception of visual artefacts of temporally modulated lighting systems, including flicker, the stroboscopic effect and the phantom array effect.
2. Design methodology and gather data on the visibility of temporal artefacts.
3. Build a model for the visibility of temporal artefacts and their dependence on environmental, demographical and lighting parameters.
TC 1-82: The Calculation of Colour Matching Functions as a Function of Age and Field Size
1.Following on from CIE 170-1:2006, to recommend a procedure for calculating XYZ-like colour matching functions from cone fundamentals, as a function of age and field size. 2. To deliver a computer programme for the calculations.
TC 1-80: Research Methods for Psychophysical Studies of Brightness Judgements
To report on research methods (both research design and statistical analysis) for psychophysical studies of spatial brightness judgements. The aim is to bring best practices from psychology into the wider awareness of people in the lighting community who wish to use such tools in their own work, to avoid errors that plague the existing literature.
TC 1-78: Evaluation of Visual Performance in the Real Lit Environment
To investigate and report on current research on visual performance that relates to psycho-physical and physiological measurements in the real lit environment, and to produce a plan for future work.
TC 1-77: Improvement of the CIE Whiteness and Tint Equations
To recommend improvements or modifications to the existing CIE Equations for Whiteness and Tint to extend their scope of application to a wider range of instrument conditions and white materials; e.g. various tints and levels of fluorescence.
TC 1-75: A Comprehensive Model of Colour Appearance
To derive colour appearance models that include prediction of the appearance of coloured stimuli viewed in typical laboratory conditions: that appear as unrelated colours that are viewed under illumination down to scotopic levels that include consideration of varying size of stimulus.
TC 1-72: Measurement of Appearance Network: MApNet
To establish a network of those interested in the measurement of visual appearance.
The network shall be under the direction and guidance of a group of at least four Technical Leaders each responsible for a particular aspect of the subject.
Each Technical Leader shall provide substantial periodic reports in a form that might be published.
A second Expert Symposium on Appearance shall be organized at an appropriate time within the next 4 years.
A database of relevant published work shall be maintained.
Consideration shall be given to the establishment of separate Technical Committees when appropriate.
To investigate new methods for assessing the colour rendition properties of white-light sources used for illumination, including solid-state light sources, with the goal of recommending new assessment procedures.
Chair: Wendy Davis (US).
TC 1-67: The Effects of Dynamic and Stereo Visual Images on Human Health
To write a technical report on the physiological and psychophysical effects of dynamic and stereo visual images in terms of photosensitive seizures.